You, Me and the Bible: A Reading Guide to the Six Central Ideas of the Bible
What is it? ‘You, Me and the Bible’ is a resource to help two or three friends to sit down together and discover the central message of the Bible. Each of the six sessions contains: • two short Bible passages to read and talk about • questions and ideas to stimulate discussion • a linked summary video to draw the ideas together • concluding questions to discuss the implications What are the six central ideas? The passages in ‘You, Me and the Bible’ are taken from all over the Bible, and introduce readers to six key ideas in the Bible’s message: • God as our creator and ruler • Humanity as rebels against God • God’s judgement on our rebellion • Jesus’ death for our sins • Jesus’ resurrection as Lord of all • The twofold response that all this requires of us. (You may recognize this as following the well-known Two ways to live outline of the biblical gospel.)