Their God is So Big: Teaching Sunday School to Young Children
Whether you’re quaking in your boots about to face your first class of four-year-olds, or are a battle-hardened veteran able to confidently perform the actions to dozens of children’s songs, this is the book you’ve been waiting for. Their God is So Big is a unique and indispensable guide to teaching Sunday School to young children (up to the age of eight). It covers everything from understanding the kind of person you should be as a teacher to comprehending the rapidly changing stages through which children pass. Author Stephanie Carmichael offers a simple, practical method for preparing and delivering effective Bible-based lessons, as well as reams of suggestions, ideas and resources on everything you might face as a teacher. There’s also plenty of advice and information on the mechanics of organizing and running a Sunday School. This book is designed to be used in three ways: » as a practical, hands-on manual for Sunday School teachers » as a course book for Sunday School teacher training » as a resource book for Sunday School superintendents This book may also be of interest to parents of young children, since many of the principles and ideas outlined will be useful for them in their own ministry of teaching the Bible to their own children.