Pathways: That You May Know
Do you ever feel as if the passing of time and the worries of the world have eaten away at the confidence you first had as a new Christian? Do you ever doubt that you have eternal life?
If you do, you’re not alone. The readers of 1 John experienced this same doubt. They had heard the gospel of Jesus and believed he was the Christ, the Son of God; but, like us, they lived in a world that ate away at their confidence. In their case, it was worldly desires and false teachers that threatened their faith. What is it that’s eating away at yours?
John’s readers wanted assurance, so he writes to remind them of what Jesus’ death and resurrection have achieved, who they are as a result, and why they need not fear. May you find the same certainty after studying this letter, written “that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13).