Not Quite Home – A Journey in Mission
The red dust swirled around the small motorbike as I wrestled to maintain balance on the deeply rutted road. The feeble beam of the headlight flickered like a firefly, rarely lighting our path. My nervous passenger let out a whimper, as we headed for the side of the road and stopped to let a car pass. The motorbikes carrying our team mates vanished in the deepening darkness as we slowly made our way up the bumpy rise. The rubber trees stared silently. It was very rare to see foreigners in these parts! Perhaps, like the rubber tappers we had just left, it was their first ‘white’ Christmas! Steve’s story, like that of many born in other cultures, traces a journey highlighted by the celebration of difference. He reflects on culture through his own experiences in Nepal, Indonesia, Cambodia and Australia, seeking insight through stories, poetry, songs and a quirky sense of humour. Steve’s experiences prove that God can use ordinary people to serve Him in extraordinary places. The benefits of such a life are countless, but the challenge is that, after embarking on this journey, everywhere you go will be not quite home.