Like or Follow
No one divides opinion like Jesus. Whatever your first impression of the most famous person in history, many young people claim he is still relevant to their lives today. This simple introduction to Jesus for the curious will help you explore why so many people build their lives around his teaching. You’ll be introduced to the facts and evidence about Jesus and discover how he can reframe your world with hope and purpose.
Selected Commendations:
“Dave takes us through who Jesus is, what Jesus has done, and what difference that makes to us today. It won’t take you long to read and you won’t regret it!”
Andy Acheson, Keswick Youth and Minister, St Anne’s Church, Grantham
“Like or Follow is a breath of fresh air for a generation of young people who’ve never thought about Jesus as anything more than a swear word or distant historical idea.”
Josh Green, Youth Director, 24-7 Prayer
“A must buy for any young person starting their adventure with Jesus.”
Emma Owen, Head of Youth Engagement, Message Trust
“If you’re interested in learning about God and the Christian faith this book is perfect for that. It’s funny, humorous, informative and great for any teenager.”
Brooke Gamble, Age 15, UK