Life in the Wild: Fighting For Faith in a Fallen World
We see Jesus, we believe in Jesus and we wait for Jesus – yet still we suffer. We no longer live in Eden – where everything reflects God’s perfection, but in exile – where everything is spoiled by sin. Walking through Genesis 3, Dan DeWitt shows us how we can look at this world realistically but without despairing – as we wait for God to keep His promise to bring us out of the ‘wild’ and into His new creation.
“Living in our broken world, full of pain and disappointment and sin, is difficult for all of us… Dan DeWitt reminds us that the mess we live in is, like us, awaiting a future redemption…” – Russell Moore, President, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, The Southern Baptist Convention
“This is a fresh and urgent field guide to life in the real world — the world of brokenness, tragedy and disappointment. Dan DeWitt gives us not only clarity and realism, but also wonderful hope as he consistently and carefully points us to Christ.”
– Sam Allberry, Speaker, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries; Author.