Gender Wars in Christianity
Guy Manuell has produced a thoughtful and valuable defence of biblical complementarianism which, at the same time, highlights the dangers of rejecting or distorting the Bible’s teaching about the equality and differences between men and women… His challenge to husbands in particular – to avoid the pitfalls of both abdication and domination – is timely. More than that, he is right to link the gender wars in the church with the battle over the authority of Scripture… — Robert S. Smith , Lecturer in Theology and Ethics, Sydney Missionary & Bible College. This is a systematic, thorough and thoughtful examination of the roles of men and women within creation, marriage and the Church viewed from a careful biblical perspective. It demands close attention by Christians today. — Richard Wheeler , Fellow & Council Member, Sydney College of Divinity. Guy Manuell has painstakingly negotiated a theological and sociological minefield to deliver a biblical and logical apologetic on the gender issue. The book is highly readable and obviously the product of considerable research. A strong feature is his strong Trinitarian argument in dealing with submission vis-à-vis inferiority and Jesus’ sonship being from eternity and not from creation. In the healing of Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the flow of blood, he establishes that Jesus gives priority to faith over age, gender, social custom and ceremonial law – a perspective not always obvious to the reader. — Donald Howard is a retired Anglican minister Gender Wars in Christianity is a welcome contribution to the ongoing and necessary discussion of our understanding of gender and the relationship between men and women. Guy Manuell is well aware that not everyone will agree with his conclusions, yet his consistent challenge to keep coming back to Scripture is one we all need to keep hearing. Although Gender Wars is primarily aimed at men and their responsibilities and privileges, women will also greatly benefit from reading the book. — Jane Tooher , Director of the Priscilla & Aquila Centre, Moore Theological College, Sydney