Engage All Generations
Engage All Generations suggests how every church can build on its potential and become a more vibrant witness of God’s Kingdom. Divided into three sections, the book focuses on key growth edges in the unfolding conversation about intergenerational ministry: Learning and Growing Together, Praying and Playing Together, and Leading and Changing Together.
Practical, accessible, encouraging, and thought-provoking, this book provides the crucial next building block in our understanding of intergenerational ministry. It is sure to benefit congregations already engaged in fostering intergenerational approaches and those desiring to experiment with becoming intentionally intergenerational.
Like good intergenerational ministry, Engage All Generations has something for everyone. Whether you’re new to the party or you’ve been tearing it up on the intergenerational dance floor for years, the wise practitioners in this book invite you to more deeply consider the current state of all-age ministry and to try out some moves that they’ve been practicing in their contexts. So join the party-and don’t be afraid to attempt something new as you make your way onto the dance floor.