Elephant in the Room
A systematic look at how relationships determine the success of
leaders and their enterprises, along with tools to help strengthen
and change them
Since time immemorial, relationships have determined the fate of
leaders. But today they are more critical to success than ever. No
longer can leaders count on long time horizons or sloppy
competition to make up for the inefficiencies that poor
relationships create. Leaders must make decisions and take actions
quickly and well with others, even those with whom they share very
little?perhaps not even a time zone. This new world puts
relationships at the center of what leaders must understand and
master to succeed.
- Uses in-depth observational studies and clinical research to
explore how relationships at the top of organizations work,
develop, and change - Shows how to understand, strengthen, and transform these
relationships, so they can withstand the most intense pressures and
This important book features a Foreword by Peter Senge, author
of The Fifth Discipline.