Christian Generosity according to 2 Corinthians 8–9
The social and religious phenomenon popularly known as the “prosperity gospel” has made huge inroads in sub-Saharan Africa and raises many questions surrounding Christian giving. In this book, Dr Habarurema applies biblical scholarship, historical enquiry and contemporaneous analysis to generosity and financial reward in 2 Corinthians 8–9, as well as to the prosperity gospel movement. With a clear focus on the concepts of divine charis and autarkeia, this study provides insight into the apostle Paul’s exhortations to care for the poor and vulnerable in society as a manifestation by the church of God’s compassion and grace. The author concludes with a series of hermeneutical and theological recommendations to promote a reading which is faithful to Paul’s thoughts in 2 Corinthians 8–9, fully integrated in Paul’s overall theology, and welcoming insights provided by Pentecostal hermeneutics.