God of Adventure: Exploring How God Teaches Through Adventure and Calls Us to Do the Same
Adventure is extensively used as a teaching tool throughout the Bible. In God of Adventure Bruce Dunning proposes 19 principles from the Bible that outline the validity, core concepts and teaching approaches of Christian adventure learning. “Finally! A book has been written for adventure learning leaders that is grounded in Scripture. This well-researched and highly readable text will be a valuable resource for Christian educators desiring a stronger theological basis for their practice.” -Ken Kalisch, Author of “The Role of the Instructor in the Outward Bound Educational Process,” Associate Professor of Outdoor Education, Montreat College, Montreat, North Carolina “Adventure learning has long been with us but seldom understood or valued as the powerful tool for learning and personal transformation as this book so clearly shows it to be. Bruce Dunning has crafted a solid biblical treatise for adventure learning with great applications to ministry and personal life. It is valuable reading for any youth worker or Christian educator who is willing to go beyond the normative approaches to the teaching-learning paradigm in helping young people become all that God first created them to be.” -John H. Wilkinson, Executive Director of Toronto YFC, Toronto, Ontario “I would buy this for the Appendix alone.” -Stephen J. Cyphers, Outdoor Leadership Program, Colorado Christian University BRUCE DUNNING has been involved in Christian camping every year of his life and has worked full-time at Medeba Adventure Learning Centre since 1980. Medeba is located in West Guilford, Ontario, Canada and specializes in Christian adventure learning. Its mission is to use adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say “yes” to God. Bruce also has extensive experience within the world-wide Christian camping movement. www.GodofAdventure.com