As for Me and My House: Keys to a Flourishing Family and a Fulfilled Ministry
Coming Soon!
Arriving in Katoomba Mid-August 2020
The verse, Joshua 24:15, “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord,” has been the desire and declaration of ministry couples for centuries. Yet the heartache of many ministers and their spouses is the realization that even though they have ministered to many and have been instruments to strengthen people’s spiritual lives, the spiritual well-being of their own immediate family is not always where they would like it to be. Many sadly observe members of their own family who no longer attend church, having turned away from the faith.
For many ministers and spouses, both those presently in ministry and those starting out, there is a great desire to find keys to prevent their family members from falling away from the faith. The heart of every pastoral couple is to function in their ministry and at the same time see their family flourish. In the light of the dearth of research regarding the ministry/family journey, this book investigates how ministers and their spouses perceive that their involvement in ministry affects their family lives. It further reveals the components that contribute toward the spiritual well-being of their family, while fulfilling their unique ministry responsibilities.
“Ministry families are critical to the success of the church in fulfilling its mission. They often bear the cost of leading and supporting that mission. My friend and colleague Daryl Potts will help you understand how to navigate the ministry journey while maintaining a healthy family environment. His insights, born from personal experience and doctoral research, will be invaluable to every couple involved in the great vocation of leading the church of Jesus Christ.”— Stephen Fogarty, President of Alphacrucis College, Australia
“There are three reasons I wholeheartedly endorse this book. Firstly, this is such a major issue in pastoral leadership, but very little is written that is practical. Secondly, it is written by a practitioner, not someone looking in from outside. Daryl is an experienced pastor, leader, and lecturer. Thirdly, Daryl and Elaine model the triple A model advocated in the book. They have authentically exemplified what it is for them and their house to serve the Lord.” — Bruce Hills, International Director, World Outreach