Retrieving Doctrine: Explorations in Reformed Theology
In recent times there has been an increasing tendency, not only to be interested in past theology, but also to retrieve it in order to engage with its central concerns as a way of furthering our own present understanding. In this profound yet accessible book Oliver Crisp brings a number of Reformed theologians into dialogue with contemporary theological concerns in a bid to form and maybe to transform the way we do theology today. Crisp dialogues with theological giants such as John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, Karl Barth, and others. The topics chosen reflect central theological themes: * creation and providence * sin and salvation * the Christian life. The combination of past thought and present concerns makes for a totally engaging conversation through which Oliver Crisp presents his ideas. If we are to do contemporary theology well we need to listen carefully to past masters. Retrieving Doctrine: Explorations in Reformed Theologybrings a number of key Reformed theologians into dialogue with contemporary philosophical and doctrinal concerns in a bid to further this strategy of theological retrieval’. The topics chosen for this book reflect some of the central concerns of Reformed theology: *Part I: Creation and Providence *1. John Calvin on Creation and Providence *2. Karl Barth on Creation *Part II: Sin and Salvation *3. Jonathan Edwards on the imputation of sin *4. Francis Turretin on the Necessity of the Incarnation *5. John McLeod Campbell and non-penal substitution *6. On Karl Barth’s denial of universalism *Part III: The Christian Life *7. John Williamson Nevin on the Church *8. John Calvin on Impetration *9. Jonathan Edwards on the Qualifications for Communion